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Cross-national evidence of a negativity bias

Soroka, S. N., Fournier, P., Nir, L. (2019). Cross-national evidence of a negativity bias in psycho-physiological reactions to news. PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in the United States of America. in press.

Does Interpersonal Discussion Increase Political Knowledge? A Meta-Analysis

Amsalem, E. & Nir, L. (2019) Does interpersonal discussion increase political knowledge? A meta-analysis. Communication Research, in press.

Psychophysiology in the study of political communication

Soroka, S. N., Fournier, P., Nir, L. & Hibbing, J. M. (2019). Psychophysiology in the study of political communication: An expository study of individual-level variation in negativity biases. Special Issue: New Approaches to Method and Measurement in the Study of Political Communication Effects. Political Communication 36(2), 288-302.

Bridging gaps in crosscutting media exposure

Castro-Herrero, L., Nir, L. & Skovsgaard, M. (2018). Bridging gaps in crosscutting media exposure: The role of public service broadcasting. Political Communication 35(4), 542-565.

Social representations, news exposure, and knowledge gaps

Nir, L. (2017). Social representations, news exposure, and knowledge gaps. Social Science Quarterly, 98 (3): 786-803. Special Issue: Lead article

Frames and reasoning: Two pathways from selective exposure to affective polarization

Tsfati, Y. & Nir, L. (2017). Frames and reasoning: Two pathways from selective exposure to polarization. International Journal of Communication, 11: 301-322.

Not all countries are created equal

Walter, D., Sheafer, T., Nir, L., & Shenhav, S. (2016). Not All Countries are Created Equal: Foreign Countries Prevalence in US News and Entertainment Media. Mass Communication and Society, 19(2): 522-541.

Do women and men respond differently to negative news?

Soroka, S., Gidengil, E., Fournier, P., & Nir, L. (2016). Do Women and Men Respond Differently to Negative News? Politics and Gender, 12 (2): 344-368.

Receptivity to violence in ethnically divided societies

Miodownik, D., & Nir, L. (2016). Receptivity to Violence in Ethnically Divided Societies: A Micro-Level Mechanism of Perceived Horizontal Inequalities. Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, 39(1): 22-45.

Informal political conversation across time and space: Setting the research agenda

Hopmann, D. N., Matthes, J., & Nir, L. (2015). Informal political conversation across time and space: Setting the research agenda. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 27 (4): 448-460.

How institutions affect gender gaps in public opinion expression

Nir, L., & McClurg, S. D. (2015). How Institutions Affect Gender Gaps in Public Opinion Expression. Public Opinion Quarterly, 79(2), 544-567.

Public space: How shared news landscapes close gaps

Nir, L. (2012). Public space: How shared news landscapes close gaps in political engagement. Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media 56 (4), 578-596.

Cross-national differences in political discussion

Nir, L. (2012). Cross-National Differences in Political Discussion: Can Political Systems Narrow Deliberation Gaps? Journal of Communication, 62, (3) 553-570.

Motivated reasoning and public opinion perception

Nir, L. (2011). Motivated reasoning and public opinion perception. Public Opinion Quarterly, 75, 504-532.

Disagreement and opposition in social networks

Nir, L. (2011). Disagreement and opposition in social networks: Does disagreement discourage turnout? Political Studies, 59, 674-692.

Not necessarily the news

Mutz, D.C. & Nir, L. (2010). Not necessarily the news: Does fictional television influence political attitudes? Mass Communication and Society, 13, (2) 196-217.

Campaign mixed-message flows and timing of vote decision

Nir, L. & Druckman, J. N. (2008). Campaign mixed-message flows and timing of vote decision. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 20, 326-346.

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